Saturday, July 19, 2008

Easing Depression Naturally

N early everyone suffers from depression at some time or other. It can be brought on by life events such as illness or bereavement, or the hormonal changes of pregnancy, childbirth, and menopause. Depression can be a component of almost any illness from the simple cold to more serious disorders like arthritis, cancer, and multiple sclerosis. Food allergies may trigger depressive feelings as can many pharmaceutical drugs, including sedatives, sleeping pills, and antibiotics. Depression can also be a seasonal reaction to previous losses, or part of an individual's response to the change of seasons or holidays.

David Steele is a forty-four year old San Francisco Bay Area lawyer who suffered from consistently low moods with episodes of deep depression for over ten years. Finally, at the suggestion of a friend, he consulted a homeopath. Prior to that, despite the unrelenting nature of his condition, he had not tried any other treatment, except for counseling, which didn't help much. "I didn't want drugs, and did not know what else to do," he says. After taking one dose of a high potency of Natrum muriaticum, he reports that "the valleys have been eliminated," and he is able to feel joy. In addition, his emotional resilience has increased dramatically, enabling him to cope with life's challenges. He also reports a slow and steady lifting of his underlying mood and feels hopeful about the future for the first time in many years.

What is the difference between the so-called 'normal' depression described above and depression that may require the help of a professional? Most experts agree that a depression which lasts longer than several weeks and has the following characteristics, should be taken seriously:

* Loss of interest in normal activities
* Loss of hope for future
* Feeling of helplessness, futility, and guilt
* Interruption of sleep and eating patterns for prolonged periods
* Thoughts of suicide

Stephen Sporn, a naturopathic physician in Dallas, advises individuals with serious or prolonged depression, including thoughts of suicide or homicide, to be evaluated by a health practitioner. A family doctor can rule out organic causes such as vitamin and mineral imbalances, food allergies, hypertension, and thyroid problems.

The conventional treatments for depression include prescription drugs and psychotherapy. While either or both of these may be effective at relieving depression on a short term basis, they have limitations as comprehensive "cures." Anti-depressants have the usual range of side effects found in most pharmaceuticals including sleeplessness, loss of appetite, and anxiety. Psychotherapy, for reasons which will be explored later, has limited usefulness for many depressed individuals.

Fortunately there is a range of natural treatments for depression. This includes-in addition to homeopathy-herbs, exercise, body work, relaxation, flower essences, and a new technique called EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprogramming). Natural methods are appropriate to relieve either short term or long standing depression as long as the individual is not suicidal, injurious to self or others, and able to eat and sleep well enough to sustain health. If these criteria are not met, natural methods are best tried in conjunction with conventional treatments under the supervision of a mental health professional.


The herbal treatment which has received national attention of late is St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum). Long used in Europe to relieve depression, St. John's Wort has been subjected to clinical trials. A report last year in the British Medical Journal declared it equal to conventional antidepressives with significantly fewer side effects. Studies have a lso shown the importance of using a product with standardized extract, meaning that the herbal preparation, whether tincture or capsule, contains a minimum amount of the component hypericin, known to produce the beneficial effects. The recommended dosage for capsule administration is 300 mg three times daily.

While St. John's Wort acts as an anti-depressant, several other herbs are known to produce feelings of relaxation. These include: valerian root, skullcap, passion flower, hops, and California poppy. Valerian root is a powerful relaxant and is often taken to help with sleep. The other herbs produce relaxed states that are less intense; thus they are more suitable for daytime use. It is wise to look for combinations of these herbs in tincture or capsule form since combinations enhance the synergistic actions of each herb. The effects of herbal therapy on depression may not be felt at once. It may take up to several weeks to notice an appreciable change. This is also true of most pharmaceutical anti-depressants, however.

Another herb receiving rave notices for its relaxation powers is Kava Kava, from Polynesia. It can be used to promote sleep as well as to gain maximum benefit from only a short sleep. It is known to produce detailed dreams. Michael Tierra, in The Way of Herbs (Mass Market Paperback, 1995), warns against daily use of large amounts of Kava Kava since toxins can accumulate in the liver. Older people may benefit from Ginkgo biloba, known to increase alertness and memory.


Homeopathy has been traditionally used for depression in two ways. For long-standing endemic depression which has become part of the personality, a constitutional remedy is indicated. This means a remedy which is prescribed by a homeopath in a high potency based on its similarity to many characteristics in the person. While David responded to Natrum muriaticum, there are many other remedies which can address depression. For example, deep-seated depression which began with childbirth might be treated with Sepia. Depression that actually represents an exaggerated or prolonged grieving response might respond to Ignatia amara.

High potency remedies are not sold through health food stores or other retail outlets. Because a deep action follows their administration, it is best to be under the care of a homeopath. However, mild, short term depression can be treated with low potency remedies, such as those in the 6C, 12C, or 30C level. Aconite, for example, can help relieve persistent anxiety. Arsenicum can help obsessive, worried people relax. Many combination remedies, containing more than one remedy, are now available and are named according to the condition they address. For example, a combination homeopathic remedy might be indicated for anxiety or insomnia. These almost always contain low potencies and are safe to try. Many people find this more convenient than learning the indications for single remedies.


Flower Essences are highly dilute liquids containing the essence of different plants and flowers. Perhaps the best known are the Bach Flower Essences, formulated in England in the 1930s. These are sold in health food stores and are usually accompanied by a guide to the remedies' use. They are actually homeopathic in that they are highly dilute substances, but are usually discussed separately from homeopathic treatment. Each of the 38 remedies discovered by Dr. Bach covers a slightly different emotional condition. All have as their goal the unification of the person with their 'higher self' based on the understanding that all negative states reflect a misunderstanding of one's true nature and life itself. Flower Essences work gently and subtly and up to three can be combined to form a specific treatment for a condition. They can be taken directly from the bottle, diluted in water, or rubbed on the body. The popular Bach essence Rescue Remedy is actually a combination of the flower essences known to help with shock and acute trauma. Flower essences can be taken several times a day for several weeks. One should then abstain for several days to see if the condition has resolved. Flower Essences have no known side effects.


While the dietary recommendations for depression are virtually the same as for a healthy general diet, there are specific recommendations regarding supplements. It is not uncommon for people prone to depression to use food-especially fat, sugar, and caffeine-to affect their mood. While this may work in the short run, in the long run, it produces a roller coaster effect of artificially produced peaks and valleys. Naturopathic physician and educator Michael Murray, in Natural Alternatives to Prozac (William Morrow & Company, 1996), states that nutrient imbalances or deficiencies can contribute to depression. His first recommendation is to eat a low fat diet with at least five daily servings of produce and lots of fiber. B vitamins act strongly on the nervous system and it is important to take sufficient amounts of it during times of stress or depressive episodes. Three of the B vitamins: folic acid, B6, and B12 are strongly recommended. Vitamin B12 supplementation is especially important for vegetarians since its food source is only in animal products.


Exercise or movement is known to counteract depression. The theory is that it stimulates the production of "chemical messengers" or neurotransmitters, whose job it is to transmit impulses from one nerve cell to another in the brain. Several neurotransmitters are known to affect mood, and their deficiency or malfunction can cause or prolong depression. The problem with exercise is that fatigue and feelings of sluggishness are components of depression, and it may be very hard to "get going." Maureen Redl, a psychotherapist in Mill Valley, California, suggests that depressed persons must literally force themselves to move rather than wait to feel like moving. "The movement changes the feeling state," she assures her patients.

Body work in the form of massage can provide some of the same benefits as exercise, although the technique is passive. It has a nurturing component that can nourish the emotions as well as relax the body. Massage is easy to learn and friends can work on each other if professionals are not available. (See "A Massage for all Reasons," page 46.) Warm water in the form of hot tubs or baths can also produce relaxation and help bring on restful sleep.


Hans Selye in his pioneering work Stress Without Distress (Hodder and Stoughton, 1974), postulated and then proved that any technique which produces a state of relaxation is an effective antidote to the negative impact of stress. While he fully accepted that stress is part of life, he suggests that individuals incorporate a method of relaxation into daily life. This is actually more practical than attempting to "avoid" stress. One simple but highly effective technique is to recline on the floor or bed for 15 minutes. Bend the knees and breathe consciously into the abdomen. It may help to place the hands on the belly. Try not to fall asleep. Practiced faithfully, this technique produces an ability to relax spontaneously and often regardless of outer circumstances. Meditation is often thought of as a technique designed to increase spiritual awareness. However, its principle action is the calming of the mind, and a calm, clear mind is a key to lifting depression. Successful meditation requires that the body be still and the breath even. This state profoundly affects the nervous system by producing a state of relaxation. Repeating a mantra or listening to soothing music gives the mind something to do while the nervous system relaxes.


The treatment of depression with standard verbal therapy has long been controversial. Many experts claim that depressed people are often unable to engage in the therapeutic process in a way that promotes their recovery. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprogramming (EMDR) practitioner Landry Wildwind of Richmond, California, suggests that depressed people are reluctant to feel more pain since they are already suffering. Thus they may resist reaching the depths in verbal therapy required for resolution. EMDR was initially designed to aid post traumatic stress victims. The technique involves stimulation of the nervous system through rapid eye movement or other bilateral movement under light hypnosis. In this state the patient recalls scenes from the past that were pivotal in producing the troubling state. Wildwind has developed a way to use EMDR which she claims helps depressed people feel better in 6 to 24 months. She postulates that most depression originates in early deprivation rather than in abuse. If the nurturing parent is unable to establish a normal bond with an infant, the infant will sacrifice expression of needs or spontaneity in order to survive. In EMDR treatment, the patient is encouraged to replace scenes and feelings of deprivation with more positive scenes. The theory is that these are then accepted by the subconscious as real and begin to replace the original scenes. Sessions are scheduled weekly or bi-weekly to ensure integration and avoid overwhelming emotional upheavals.

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